What with all this private messaging thing going on here on AB, does this mean the demise of other social networking sites liuke the ones mentioned above?
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/inter nationals/7100393.stm The fans don't like him, he hasn't done well, but he'll still get ?2.5m if they get rid of him - i bet he's REALLY gutted about...
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i292/topclaz /maninthebeans11.gif Actually scared me when I saw it... dont tell anyone where it is =) Anyway, how is everyone?? x
ello Ed
Not sure if it's just me, but im struggling to accept new Friends on the
the PM thingy. Everytime I try to click on the invitation, it sends me
back to the homepage.
Okay, so the whole world and his wife seem to own a dog or a cat that they are happy to portray. But we've just been given a brand new toy here.... Any people out there? Missy x btw these are my...
Does this mean each and every individule one of us can be human gods on here now. Ive never been a god as a human before, think that I will change my name to zeuss before any body else has the same...
I did not know that all of you looked so attractive, this must have been one of whiffeys better ideas. Come on then invisible post a pic of what your like. Who else cant you wait to see pictures of...
Is 'sleeping around' considered to be acceptable and something to be bragged about publicly nowadays? As in, the more people you sleep with, the more ''popular'' and party-loving/fun person you are...
Can anyone remember the pop video which had movie star Christopher Walken dancing in it?,i dont think it was a madonna video but not sure...thanks all.
I stopped smoking this morning but i've just had a rollup after my tea. I feel properly gutted. Has anybody else tried to stop and failed at the first hurdle?
How could anyone see the dancer spinning anti-clockwise? She is plainly spinning in a clockwise direction. I have tried making it change direction but to know avail....
Hope you have a great day and get lots of ace stuff!!!! Thanks for being a great mate, me little Liver Bird!!!! Dedoodohdontdey? (she's sound ) Love Dotty XXXXXX