Hi can anyone give me any advice on dealing with my ex We have been divorced a while and he comes to collect my son to have contact with him He will then send me nasty texts messages later on saying...
My 6 year old son came home from school today totally loved up. A new girl started at school on Friday and he said on Friday that she fancied him as he is very handsome, now they are a couple - she...
Tapioca or rice pudding? Mashed , boiled ot roast potatoes ? Ever posted a pic of yourself online ? Ever wake up in a strangers bed ? Do you loook good in a bikini ? Well----------------...
As I am nodding off and thinking about going off to bed for a couple of hours nap , I thought I would just ask ...... ..............does everyone know the names of the Bassets jelly babies ? Here are...
My first quiz! Here goes... 1/ Who's your favourite Friends character? 2/ Would you rather be beautiful or intelligent? 3/ For the girls: Bruce Willis or Matt Damon 3 bis/ For the guys: Angelina Jolie...
I see the other scumbag known as knobby, was getting it off again last night, by threatening women. Unable to get any satisfaction from a normal relationship, he then vents his anger at an innocent...
my 4 year old has said he is leaving home! :-(((( He wants to leave cause he thinks everybody is horrible lol probably cause i just told him off for squealing. He has packed his case (well, hes put a...
1) what is the most boring shop you have even been in? 2) What do you think about motorway services? 3) What genre of books do you prefer to buy? 4) Do you like the song "Tubthumping?" 5) What was the...
Since my husband left me a few years ago, I have found going out very difficult. I recently joined an online dating site. I met a chap. He used to phone me every night, normally for 4 or 5 hours. We...
Christina aguilera love her or hate her ? Pink love her or hate her ? What have you had for breakfast ? Are you dressed yet or in pjs or nightie ? Have you told anyone you love them this morning ?...
Meaning somebody who is not quite all there and works in a sex shop in the reef and likes southern comfort and is going to mallorca in may to get me a stripper in a nurses uniform. Give you a clue...
I have just got paint all over the keyboard keys, who shall I blame? It wasn't me, honest. Evidence: The bathroom is half painted, the paint on keyboard is same colour as paint in bathroom, paint on...