can anyone help please, 1) the mood in the right yard has changed 2) a girl above her contemporaries 3)it was scuttled with 250 aboard............. thanks for trying
6) Language 9)the police that dismisseth us 12)French the follows a fleet 17)Affected - band - possess 23)Very loud splits water filled trench 27)the tea boy needlessly conceals it 30)A component of...
All answers are sweets or chocolates from yesteryear or present day. 1) for a job well done. 2) town in south west France. 3) Tarton Granite. 4) for a good dog. 5) seen at a race course. 6) endurance...
I am compiling a quiz for a local group and thought it would be nice to have a funny (ha-ha) round. Has anyone got any idea as to where I might find one.Thanks Giveup.
I'm trying to find the answer to these acronyms. They are all proverbs apparently. I'd be very grateful if anyone can help, they're drving me mad ! Thanks e.g. WNMN - waste not want not. Here are the...
i have had labrinthitis since january,though it is getting better very slowly .i am due to go to spain in may if it is not better by then will flying affect my ears and make it worse or even start it...