anagram of children's rhyme ATEACAKE KAPPA CAT book titles with a food item/meal in them 5. G by YO 6.The NL by WB 7. P by BE 8. The SG by WF Proverb /saying with a food item 2. ACAAC AEAP Many thanks...
9)This girl uses spade almost again 20) Surprised expression leads total gain 28)Sounds like titled gent has theatre seat 44)The fundamental principal Answers are as near as possible to how they...
Any help please with these abbreviated sayings,, many thanks if you can. 1- C, B N C 2 - H J A D S T H 3 - B O G B G 4 - A B W A B H T 5 - J O A T, M O N 6- A M O T L, A L O T H
alll the answers are chocolate bars, biscuits or sweets 1. Brucie's advice to Anthea 2. Two less O add nine 3. do you need a thumb and a guide to get to this what's so special about their pants thanks
answers are all types of meals, like fish & chips etc 3. cockney eye (4,3) 8. a foggy bowl full (3,4) 9. a german city inhabitant (9) 11. meaty fruit (4,6) 12. Gseg (9) 13. an oven glove is needed for...
Good morning to all,can you please help me out,with a few answers?all are black and white Part 2; creatures that are black and white 1;One for sorrow,two for joy ? Part 3 ;I walked to the pub,_ _ _/_...
Could anyone please help me with the final few they are all proverbs and sayings:- 26. NPNSOTT. 30. PPFOTM 50. OSAAT. 57. STYG/ 63. OMJIAMT. Could this be one mans joy is another mans tears, although...
1. Trap fifty floundering fish (4) (L---) 2. Stew from pet fish! (7) (-o----t) 3. Note to re-trim ancient damaged warship (7) 4. Let lady chop up small fish (5) (----t)
The answers might all be found, be used, live or grow in an English garden. 11. In the 49th state, we hear. 13. Confine to college. 21. Man of fashion, dissolute. 26. Believe (as in the past), the...
Is the water reasonably priced 5,5,2,1,8 A risky case of cars 3, 7, 3 John Rowlands famously greeted a local doctor. 2, 7, 6 An improved medical condition 4,4,3,4 Any suggestions?