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21a ..... one of David's songs for the USA's famous uncle, we're told (5) - S - L - 23d A sailors' cry? Ah, an isalnd in Orkney, we hear (4) - H - Y thanks...
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Stuck on a few: 1a. Say your piece (6) ??S?T? 10a. Gratifies Reginald with drinks (7) ??P?L?S 5d. You're meant to put your arm in it (7) H?L???? 15d. Get out a piece of fire-fighting equipment (6)...
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ever worsening situation 41ac. ?????u?/c?r???.51ac conservative group members. ??d/?u???. detailed (account) b???/??/b?o?.47d.
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and I wonder if it wise of taking some photo's of the stars that I meet there and post them on the internet. I am allowed in their dressing rooms and have got some photo's of Davinia's shoes and...
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A new compass. North........Top South........Bottom. East...........side West.....tother side. Northeast would become "topside" and so on. I shall try and produce a prototype to-day, nowt...
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17a you might have these after work, before bedtime. 10,5. Is this Retirement Homes?
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Here I am, sitting at the computer since 6.00 and waiting for my lovely wife to become conscious around 12.00. I'm full of beans and sunshine in the mornings ; she's a night bird, does ironing in the...
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23) Nine conssecutive even numbers are added together to make 396. What is the highest of thes numbers? 30) Give a word that starts and ends in the same 3 letters, in the same order (doesn't really...
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Many moons ago I had one of the first Toshiba laptops and I used thumb operated rollerball mouse attachment that actually plugged into the side of the computer. It was the best mouse I've ever had but...
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I have a can of half filled paint and need to get rid of it, it doesn't seem right to but it into the reycycling bin or the normal bin in case of spillage, any ideas?
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I've answered one or two within a matter of seconds, but someone always gets in first! Boo!...
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I never asked for this and don't want it. can I make it go away and stay away?...
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restricted to a certain locality. ???e?i?
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Hey guys, I got engaged last night!! :-) I'm the happiest girl around right now! And just celebrated with a curry and a bottle of champage is currently chilling in the fridge! :-D xx...
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Ran out of salt today, had to have tomatoes in my sandwiches saltless also mashed potatoes later, went for the pepper good flavouring but still missed the salt, I know most foods are full of salt, I...
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Mrs incredibles hairdryer keeps blowings its fuse, we replace the fuse with the correct ampage each time but it keeps on blowing (unlike the hairdryer!) Any ideas?...
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a bouquet garni? Turns me on :-)
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This is my tenth question, so I confidently expect the avatar gadget to tick into action shortly. The temporary avatar - the pink blobby thing - doesn't look much like me, I hope. Is there somewhere I...
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ihave 4 fish tanks 3 (all new) have 1 betta in each, but one of them keeps getting algae in it. it seems to be in threads and covering the gravel surface, the plants , and heater. why is this? could...

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