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Should Charles be allowed to marry Camilla? I think by now we've accepted that the royals are as imperfct as the rest of us, so can't we just let them get on with it? They're old enough god knows.
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Does anybody have a view on this: some people seem to think that, if they have a crossover done in front of their house (ie. the council lowers the kerb at your expense) they automatically gain two...
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What was Oscar's best work?
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How can you tell the sex of kittens?
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A multi-millionaire breaks a small bone in his foot which will inconvience him for a few weeks, and the country goes to pieces. Does anyone else think that there are slightly more pressing things...
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What is the legal basis for saying that possession is nine-tenths of the law?
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What do regulars think of a message board on the site? Would make it easier for users to thank people or give feedback etc without having to trawl back through the pages to respond. Just a thought!!!
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what are the side effects of seroxat
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I was made to feel like an animal abuser today at the vets because I let my cats go outside and one of them was bitten by a raccoon. (He's fine now BTW) Here in the States it is considered...
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What' s the difference between elder and older?
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What is the name of the nest where a hare lives - and no it is not a warren .
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I have long wondered: their given names were David and Albert - Why did they change their names? why could they not be King David and King Albert? Or perhaps the question should be reversed: why were...
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Should teachers be allowed to take industrial action?
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Lynne Holden
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JS Hahn
I have only LLM as far as legal degree is concerned. As my undergruate degree is BBA and master degree MBA. Please confirm me if my LLM is eligible for taking legal practice course in order to become...
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Where can i get discounted tickets for legoland, windsor?
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JS Hahn
I am a Korean student enrolled in the UK University for writing my doctoral dissertation in the field of International Commercial Law. In Korea, I was graduated from One of top level Universities with...
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Does anyone think it's a teeny weeny bit convenient that Thatcher has been gagged just in time for the Tory conference?
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how long do i need to live with my girlfriend for us to be common-law husband and wife?
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OK I am going to try this, I hope I can get all the help I can. I am trying to do an essay paper that is about 2000 words on Gawain and the green Knight. We need to have outside citations as well...

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