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What is supposed to happen when you click 'Mark As Best Answer'? All that seems to happen is those words disappear....
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I ask the question because, having this evening watched on TV the Last Night of the Proms, I wished to post a poser about songs which have become traditional in the Royal Albert Hall. However, I...
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I'm a little bit scared of strong winds. I always have been for some reasons, and yet I love thunder. Weird. Anyway I'm curled under a quilt being a little bit scared...
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When I go to My Profile and then My Questions, is there any way to remove any questions which I don't want to keep? Sometimes I try to look back through for an answer to some of my questions and I...
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In my bathroom I have a sink set in a marble top. The top is about 20 years old & is looking very dull. I need to clean & polish it. Appreciate any input on how to do this....
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Why, when I was reading and pencil noting answers to a question on AB, did the screen and internet connection switch to U.K.Clearance House.? Has it something to do with an arrangement AB has with...
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There should be a law which prohibits firms etc. from using Answering Machines for the purpose of delaying matters to their advantage. How often have you left a message without any call back; or...

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