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8a good for a charge(4)?i?? 10a a fundamental  bit of chemistry, elementary(8)?l???r?? 25a in the game of thrones the king always has home advantage to deploy(6)???t?e 28a never easy on the job, so... ...
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Rte Guide .no.35 27d.Fawning flatterer-get in the hole !
thank you.  
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28ac. Ye God's! Heavens above! Such studies could go on forever " ☆I☆I☆I☆I☆S My first I is based on the assumption that suit is right for 26d. Thanks in advance....
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11A: If it looks and bites like a carrot, a horse could go with it (6). Possible R?e?s? 26D: It takes a couple in tow to get a row going.... (4) E??? 27D: .... as both you might hear would go down (4)...
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6a. Touch wood, Santa over the moon at this time of year8 letters . - u - e -i - - 43a.a touch of Cosby and Satch, perhaps, like the cats meow 4 letters _ c _ t. 64 a. So familiar with Santa is...
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Is there an error with 29 across which I think should be ABEL but that doesn't allow me put REHEARSING in for 16 down, which I think is correct as it is an anagram?
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17d blame and shame (9)?i?????i? 21a a character of no note? (4)??r? 25a... crude,offensive,and rather smutty even (6)???r?? 26d what really does come out of such poetry? (4)??e? 4d...and in irish I...
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Ron a lot upset with bird! 7 letters possibly: O?T?L?N. No matter how I combine the remaining letters - R A O - I can't come up with a type of bird....
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28a Might you get a C in geometry for it. (10) ?E?I?I?C?E
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1d: Completing a form you don't need to have it at the end? (7,3) ???l???, out 9a: Of all that concerns RTE Guide boss, her dearest would turn to you all (3, 7) the, ?e???r? 27a: An interpretation of...

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