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It is by a french author, translated into english. It is set in 1938 at the time of the Appeasement crisis and Hitler taking control of Czechoslovakia. Other than the cover having two men standing...
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does anybody know where i could get a copy please? have tried everywhere including brian jacques! fingers crossed! thanks...
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Hi, I was recently joking with a friend who thinks himself a bit of a casanova as he likes to think he knows exactly what women want to hear...! So as a funny birthday present I was looking to get him...
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Does anyone have any idea where i can find out what the top40 was week ending 3rd november 1979?
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Does any one know what order Doreen Tovey's cat books go in? 'Cats in the Belfry' is first i assume, but where do you go from there?
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Imagine you are driving a Mercedes at 100mph.The steering locks. The doors lock. Brakes fail. You can't get out. You are heading for a 1,000ft cliff drop.What do you do?
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I need present ideas for an anniversary present for my husband who Is near to impossible to buy for - please help.
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15A Changing into vapour ?????R?T?A? 19A Communist ??????T 20A Pleasure Trip 25A Adjust ??D??? 2D Change Loyalty 2 words Cross ???? 14D Winner C?????O?T 17D Symbol ???E?? 16D Form Couples two words...
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How unwell are you likely to get if you swallow a good few mouthfuls of pool water - chlorinated, what reactions could you have?
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What was the name of the 'littlest Hobo' era tv series about an angel who might have been called Michael who travelled around helping people?
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10a Clearing away. (7) I've got ??D?F?G, but think the F is wrong. Sorry I'm having a brain fart at present and minds gone blank.
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How quickly does hair regrow after waxing? I am really itchy after just over a week? Is this normal?
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What is the most obscene art ever created that caused huge controversy to date?
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I think it's called something like "Grandma's garden" (but I've searched that and can't find it) It's a beautifully illustrated short story for young children about a little boy who meets a mysterious...
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OK ABers, it's over to you again. I've just finished reading the last lot of books you all recommended. I loved ascent, the meaning of night and the smoke jumper. Adored 'we have to talk about Kevin'...
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i am 20 weeks pregnant and suffering from severe anxiety and insomnia and i am now at breaking point please help me !!!
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Do you use less electricity if you have a dimmer switch dimmed than you do with it up to full?
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19a I coped badly with being traced,perhaps ??P??? (6) 4d Court,possibly, in a jumper ?????R?O (8) Thanks
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they are not English, that they try and disguise the fact by being nasty all the time?

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