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Whats everyone up to this weekend then? I am taking a night of from my clubbing and man hunting! Hehe. I am gonna get in my pj's and watch a dvd whilst on AB. :o) But tomorrow night... I'm back on the...
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Having both just recently broe up with girlfriends, me and me mate are off out tomorrow night, not necessarily on the pull but we wouldnt say no if the right offer came along! The thing is, hes only...
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has bird flu gone now? i mean it never seems to be in the papers any more or on the news? was it just another media frenzy?
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but i was thinking there used to be a certain user on here whose screen name began with 1 and ended in 5 and had numbers in between and they used to ask the same sort of q's as a certain russian, does...
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Miss Inquiry
As the weather is going to be sunny this weekend can anyone suggest some things to pop in a picnic basket and trundle down to the river with, what would you take? It will just be myself and my...
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i no this changes depending on the age of the person asked but how old is old, my daughter (8) thinks 30 and you are past it, im 32 and old to me is 85 ish, so how old are you and what do you class as...
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now that fatboy is fit and well,whos going to make way for him for the sweeeeeeden game
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Is there anyone who doesn't fancy Pete from BB? I have just realised I kind of do! It makes me feel sick to see Lea all over him like a bloomin' rash! Urrrrrgh!
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I am doing my bit for community awareness and think this all black england team is simply fantastic. Would you make any changes? 1) David James2) Sol Campbell3) Rio Ferdinand4) Wes Brown5) Ashley...
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right i'm in a bit of a dilemma, i'm 23 i've just started work at a new place been there 2 weeks, i've met a girl there called **** and shes 27 who works there also, at the first moment we met we got...
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has anybody else noticed that when in an american film or cartoon they have a villian they're always,always british?what have the americans got against the british that they need to let us know...
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Regarding Croissants, is it wrong to put butter on them even though they are made with shed loads in the first place. I am not watching my waistline and have good cholestral, it's just I am unfamiliar...
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Can anybody tell me what the difference is between a Port and a Harbour? As i am trying to verify which is the deepest Natural of both and thought maybe if i knew the difference then the answers i...
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Do you think music by Gary Glitter should be played on the radio & TV? If not, how do you feel about that of other convicted artists such as Chuck Berry, James Brown and Jonathan King getting...
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heya! for a religion project we have been asked to do a power point presentaion about child soldiers and children in iraq. we have tried google however it either comes up with low standard information...
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Mr D Black
What are some of the most romantic moments in film? I like Love Actually where Andrew Lincoln is holding up the written cards to Keira Knightly. Brilliant. Can it be beaten?
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It appears this money grabbing bint may have been a high class prostitute. Would her clients pay more or less due to her stump? Personally I wouldn't give her tuppence.
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Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset...
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any preds for the england game tomorrow

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