My kids school has no set reglion , and today all the kids aged 9 to 12 were to visit a mosque . I first the parents were okish about this idea , as we were told two weeks before hand , yesturday...
Do any of you other ladies come across this? I'm not much of a feminist but it irks me in my job when assumptions are made mostly because you're female. People who know me or who I do work for aren't...
Whilst the peasants deem it OK to report me, most of the time I simply let them. It gives them the much needed power and automony they crave in the real world. As a philanthropic kind of person I...
So I split with the ex of 5 yrs a few months ago. I left the house for a week told, him to take what he wants as long as it doesnt effect the kids. He did a damned good job of clearing out, on further...
If I were driving along a road, and my passenger grabbed the steering wheel (forcing my car to change direction) and I then crashed, who would be at fault.? Could we both be prosectuted? Would I be...
Earlier this evening while I was driving home A dog was running around in thje road across a large roundabout where I need to turn right to get home. I was that busy watching the dog and looking out...
HI All am trying to find a phrase to replace a process which has been misidentified as transformation art, which is far too presumptuous. Art in the community can enable people with disabilities or...
i gave up bread a week ago due to me eating so much of the stuff!! i now feel loads better in myself and strangly i feel a lot healthier............. there has got to be something in there that they...
Due to the nature of my question, I'm sure you'll all understand that I will be using a little bit coding, however I do promise it won't be a come back tour of the Krypton factor!!! So, the story goes...