I was systematically beaten, kicked, burned and cut by my father pretty much every day from the age of 3 or 4 until he was killed when I was seven. I know from treatment that I've recieved as an adult that he broke my arm, my fingers, ribs and one two seperate occasions fractured my skull. The resulting brain injury has led me to have memory issues, slight tremors and ahead and above all anger management and violence issues. It's only in the last 10 years that I discovered that when the particular area of brain that is damaged in me is damaged you get aggressive, unpredictable and violent. Since I went to prison for GBH, it does rather make me wonder whether or not I would have been the way I was angerwise had I not recieved those injuries and it would have meant had I been aware that I may have sought help with that earlier instead of just assuming to myself that I was just angry because of the way my father used to treat me.
I have NEVER hit any of my children, nor even raised my voice to them, it's completely unnecessary. Very young kids can be reasoned with and all of my kids are happy, freethinking polite individuals who haven't or wouldn't be a social nuisance, so why hit when you don't have to?All you do is normalise violence and create aggressive kids. You are demonstrating how to be aggressive. It's like a masterclass and it should not be acceptable in any way in any civilised society.