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Hu Flung Dun
Does anyone go out looking for it or do you just buy it if you find it? I have just come back from asda where there was a very well dressed man boasting that he fills his trolley with stuff that the...
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I bought 240g of basil last night (going cheap, only 60p), what shall I do with it? I am going to make pesto, red and green and freeze. Anything else I can do with it which involves freezing, just...
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why don't we all have a whip round and collect a few bob for Adam's bus fares ? after all it is Christmas, and no more witty remarks redcrx. :-)
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Banana Boat
Im pretty sure i may have asked this before, but i want more advise! why am i still single? i mean,. I'm 24, Female, im a nice person, trustwothy (a bit too trustworthy), loyal, id do anything for my...
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Is AB running the slowest I've ever known it?
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I had a dream last night that my ex (the mother of my daughter) and my best mate were having a shower together as we were on out way out. I went upstairs and then when I came back they were having...
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Tis the season to be jolly ,ta, la, la tra, la , la laaahh
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Man Im so annoyed as this happens to me A LOT. I always miss a bit when I shave. I look stupid as I am at work with a little patch of stubble on my face. I really made sure I checked this mornig...
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Anyone up and at em yet? Looks like we're in for a chilly week, better get the old thermal underpants on
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What is the equivelent of 1bhp (brake horse power) in terms of bdp (brake dog power) or: Find x: 1 bhp= x bdp
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I'm so very cold !!!! What can I do to get warm , any clean ideas ? I am so close to the fire I could ignite and still feel cold .:o) xxx
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all answer are food or drink creamy soprano put this meat in when the oven is on high napping fish please help
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Who I am?
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do we just ask and answer about the news ? :-)
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i feel a right plonker for asking this question but is it true that you can ejaculate inside your missus while shes on her period with no risk of her falling pregnant? i ask because she can't go on...
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Oakleaf51 ture/Question490877.html How's a kid supposed to earn a living? not much help from society and kulcher! Any real people on this categry?
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why when i post a question do a group of you use the opportunity to have inane conversations nothing to do with my question,you sad arses,thanks topogigo for agreeing with me,so boring and what sad...
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My ribs have been giving me a bit of grief lately. I'm also starting to feel the strain at work or even chores around the house and I'm only 24 weeks. Sorry to winge, I am very happy though, could...
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Its friday, end of the working week, get up out of bed logic and dont be grumpy. The birds are singing, the sky is blue and all is good with the world. Anyone up yet?
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Milly the kitty was a little bit sick for the first time on Tuesday - fortunately it was clear sick! ;o} When I was clearing it up, I noticed that she'd swallowed about 3 inches of gold curly foil...

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