Looks like the whole world is jumping on the bandwagon, what with the Pakistanis that were sent back recently and now this lot. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-36071737 The survivors, from...
I thought Eurovision was a "singing" contest with a vote for your best friends at the end, now they decide to throw a political statement in as well, after what happened in Sweden you would think this...
Why were these pieces of excrement not given much longer sentences, drugging, raping and passing around these young girls and children because its the norm in somalia....
I though security was going to be tightened after the recent attacks. http://www.kentonline.co.uk/dartford/news/five-migrant-children-detained-after-93165/ Ive no doubt they will not be returned to...
First the Oscars then the BAFTAS now the Brits, maybe just maybe there are no black artists worthy of an award this year, Organisers of the awards announced plans for a new advisory committee to help...
Do other countries pander to the British palate. (other than the British owned cafes etc in places like Benidorm etc) Personally I love trying new food when I travel and wouldn't consider the food a...
A woman has come forward to the shop where the news channels have been filming from in Worcester claiming to have the winning £33M lotto ticket, only problem is the FULL date is not visible, just the...
Basically what Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett Smith want are black actors and actresses to be nominated and awarded just because they are black, surely this would lower the worth of the Oscar awarded....
If they know they have came from Turkey why once they have been rescued dont they return them to Turkey, its a safe country after all. If they keep doing that then the message will get across that its...
http://news.sky.com/story/1622503/aid-worker-says-bid-to-smuggle-girl-irrational Im not sure if this chap is stupid or trying it on, he said he was bringing items back that were not required by the...
Saw this the other day what do the fans of Game of thrones on here think.?