the wife bought a tin of roses for christmas because they were on offer and some how the lid fell off and to stop them going off I had to start eating them, which leads me on to my question. Whats...
just saw an advert for a cd called women or women its a compelation with amy whinehouse, fergie, nelly fertado. and thats all i can remember. its just coming out and it was on a break just after the...
Why cant we manufactue gold?, after all we should know the make up of the stuff and how its created and we can make diamonds so why not gold, silver or platinum. or am i just being stupid? Dave.
what are your views on this. ?nodeId=144913&command=displayContent&sourceNo de=231190&home=yes&more_nodeId1=144922&content PK=18562849 personally i think...
anyone know how to browse the net on my ps3, i have a wireless network and can play the games online but where it says internet browser and i click on it i just get the ps3 home page, when i type in...
whats the name of the song that chris evans plays on the piano(not sure what the advert is for) and its not chopsticks its the first one . its driving me and the wife nuts. ty in advance Dave.
can anyone recomend a sat nav for about 150 quid, im thinking of a tom tom 1, has anyone got or used one of these. do they also warn you of speed scameras and traffic jams/ road works ect, and i also...
while i was on holiday i read an article in the daily mail about a huge flood if the thames barrier failed and it showed a picture of london under waterwith just the tops of the tallest buildings...
Ive just got back from my parents place in central western france and the skies were crystal clear and blue most of the time, sitting in the garden we could see 30+ planes an hour flying from west to...
I've tried googling but could not find a answer, so, can anybody tell me how far the beam would project or how far you could see the light from on this spot light. many tnx in advance. Dave.
Hi again, I put the sausages and a egg out for the fox and it spent ages running around caching the food and eating some then it got to the egg, it poked it ,rolled it with its nose finally it pick it...
hi gelda remember you said about giving my fox (not freddie) raw eggs, well i have'nt tried it yet , but im still giving him/her sausages and im going to give him/her the eggs over the weekend, but in...
heres some link to an area near monts de blond near the haut limosin region. hope these jog your memory..........again..good luck. ux.htm...
Why the sub lightens our hair but darkens our skin. Why cant women put mascara on with their mouth closed why dont you ever see the headline "psychic wins the lottery" why is abbreviation such a long...
In light of the recent bomb scares in London the French press have reported that the french goverment have raised its terror alert level from hide to run. The only two higher levels in france are...
was'nt sure where to post this but why are Israel, turkey and russia in eurovision and eruopean football championships when they ar'nt european? tnx in advance