19a In night club hold forth about duo, initially off key [10] 13d adroit male rolled a cigarette [6-4] I have the boy next door for 8d [Red-hot on box, yet comic is just an ordinary young chap...
i was charged section 20 (gbh) WITHOUT INTENT today ive been in trouble with the police before over 10years ago but not for any fighing,for (theft). I was in my local pub lastnight i went to the...
1d 4 & 3 letters resort to monkey business when in clubs and, initially, discos c_ p_ c_d 15d 9 letters fictional king, known for his fondness, of course g_r_a_t_a 16d 8 letters too unpleasant - like...
16 d) Oddly Tim's about to make mistake with alternative foer violence T-----ism? is it terrorism? 19 a) mention something unpleasant from boring person at university (4,2) 24 d) Heard singers have...
11a - Flea found in the fields of Kent (6) H _ _ _ E _ 13a - Posh wooden objects going round dish (6) T _ R _ E _ 2d - French cry odds in manner that's lively, brisk and decisive (5) C _ I _ _ Thanks...
37d defame ? L ? C ? E ? 58d arm of the atlantic (5,3) 65d repulsive, revolting (7) 118a reasoning (6) 92a small fish (5) 19a remark upon (6) 31d wooden vessel (6) 6d preacher (7) 45a chum (5) as you...
I'm absolutely stumped with a few last clues, hope someone out there can help ... 17a - greenish brown colour (5) ----- 24 a - completely destroyed (5) .---e- 61 a - watership down character (5) -----...
Can someone explain why 6 down is 'Eliza'? I understand Beth is Liz, but where does the EA come from? It's not 'one', or Lady, so how do they come into it? Or if 'Liza', why is an E before it 'one'?...