My house is whistling and rattling. The rattling I can cope with whistling windows- not so much. Rain has stopped but looks like there is more to come. She’s causing havoc with the phone and telly....
Last two yet again. Sickness cured when the patient is put in a cast (5,5) s?a?e/?e?e?. To soldiers , on source of danger (6) ?e?a?e. Not sure about the a.
Please can you help? Last two. They're not attending the lectures on boats. (7) c?t?e?s Is it cutters? Not taking advantage of the joker that isn't played in. (7) ?a?t?n?.
Tuesday. Great fun getting on t'internet again this morning, seventy five minutes. It's raining again, saves watering! So change of plan for today, i.e. I won't do the outside stuff I was going to do,...
After being given the chance to revise our offer on the run down property, we were delighted to hear that our higher offer had been accepted. Yaaayyyy ... We've got ourselves a pig hole !!! Just off...
Fed up with this now, last three. How the plaintive article about going to a new home was written? (8) ?o?i?g?y . Consider carefully and decide to go beyond the tramline (5,3) ???n? out. a second...
Really struggling this week. Only taking exercise in it in front of everybody (6) ??e??? not even sure about the e. the tool the the fellow took up: a rake (4,3)?r?t/?a?. Change too much(8) o?e???r?...
Land too precipitous to grow anything on (5,5) ???e?/w?s??. What the stolen pet was given to eat (3,3) ??t ?o?. Not sure about the t. How one brought the interrogation to a standstill (7) ?t?l ?ed....
When I go to the website to enter the numbers on the back of the paper it comes up YOUR CONNECTION IS NOT PRIVATE. Is it safe to follow the links or not?
Last two again ! turn to observe , or take a take a look (4) p?e? peek, peep or peer?
a bit soft in the head , object to (8) ?a?t?c?e.If particle why...