I thought I would introduce myself and say hi, Im Elle, I just found this place quite by chance yesterday. Hope this is ok to post here. I bring wine, beer and chocolate, so help yourselves :) I...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2293786/Former-PCSO-BBC-security-guard-converted-Islam-admits-terror-plot.html With more and more of this type of traitorous scum being clawed from where they...
In one of the news threads a couple of you have said you want to go on the organ donor register but have not yet done so. It takes two minutes to register on line. Do something amazing and sign up...
We don't expect you to have time to be on AB after today ;) so here's a toast to you both. Every happiness to you both for the future, hope the sun shines on your wedding day. God bless ♥♥...
Friday and the weekend beckons. No frost this morning, but I haven't been outside yet. Lots of rugby this weekend! :o} I'm going to miss it all as I'm busy all weekend:o{ I'll record the Ireland game...
generally very good runner. Had RAC out when car failed to start - new battery purchased after RAC tests and all checks were good. An hour later the car would not start, turned over but would not...
1. AB terrorists - The Tilly-Ban
2. An East Yorkshire DSS Investigator - Humber-snoop
3. A team of doctors in aeroplanes - A Sqadron
Can you think of any more?...
As I won't be around on Friday and saturday can we have a wedding logo from tomorrow or I will miss it... I will try to put a screen shot in my scrap book for posterity...
Happy ... err ... Wednesday (?)
I think it's Wednesday. Well, happy weekday anyway.
Costa coffee can't come soon enough for me. Have a great day all. x x...
Tuesday. Still freezing. I hope it warms up soon. A busy day today, I'll be out for most of it, lots of warm clothing on!
Have a happy day everyone....
First day back to work today after a week off and have been awake since 02.30......What is that all about.... I recon by about 8ish I will be hangin'. But to look on the bright side the snow is...
It's Friday. Time to get ready for the weekend. It's calm out, but I haven't been outside yet, so don't know how warm/cold it is.
Have a happy day everyone....
I am currently very very pee'd off!!! I am having a change of boss at work who is nothing but a bully - not looking forward to that. mother's day is coming up and I am expected to 'mourne' that my...
Just received a very nasty threatening letter. The envelope has the time and date on it plus a number 34108674 - does anyone know if this is a reference to where it was posted?