15d Hardy group outside - best for working in the garden ? (8) L------T
17a Kit, a quiet puss, almost catches a rodent (9) ------T--.
Many thanks, Danny....
q1 an official prohibitior
q2 the fourth character
q3 top of turnip torn
q4 sounds like a rational mind
q5 could this be a public convenience
q6 some ounces surrounded by energy...
Thanks for previous answers. I still have the following clues-"nutty with intention"(10) "In a row, nearly an animal"(9) "Leans between two cardinals"(6) "An ocean...
4 Down, Fabrication that could well lead to the chair(10) ??????W???
13 Down, Audible gong more or less intrusive(10) ?E????????
Many Thanks in Advance...
5d. epicureans daydream about such meals ?e??? ??d? 10a. amusements of other days ?A???M?S 11a In our minds they turn as rapid eye movement initially dilates ??e??? dreams????? thanks in advance...
stuck on one answer please help . all the answers were things to grow or use in garden .
question / the largest of these recorded weighed 8.3 kg and was grown in wales 8 . 6 letters...
1 Across, Familiar place associated with extraction(4,4) SORRY NO LETTERS 5 Across, Classical pieces,say not all fromUkainian industrial centre(6) ???S?? 10 Across, Ancient king was carved antique(6)...