Great big hugs, I passed my exam this afternoon, I am now a fully fledged tit and can ban people and I don't have to give a reason ! How cool is that. You may have noticed and grieved on :( the...
What should you not put out for the birds in the garden. I put out bread and seeds from the pet shop. What other household scrap foods can I put out for the birds eat?
i havent seen this guy for 20 years,he was a really nasty piece of work at school hitting kids,stealing,bullying etc etc,today in town i saw him...a drunken tramp of a guy...he asked me for some...
When I use flour (or cornflour) to thicken up a sauce it always goes lumpy. I sieve it in a stir gently but it always clumps together. Any techniques that I should be doing?
hello everybody. well i had a visitor today and i was in luck because the went for a number 2 in the toilet and because the water is off it was still there when they left. Well because I havent eaten...
does anybody have any advice on how to improve my spelling. I mean apart from spell check. I dont read books or anything like that. Not even newspapers. Only ab. My spelling is so sh1t i think even...
Afternoon All, I've been hankering (read: obsessively searching) for KP Salt and Vinegar peanuts for about a month now and I can't find them anywhere. I'm in South London and short of writing to KP...
Hopefully someone can help me as I am not having much luck with Hotmail! For some reason, the site is not accepting my passpword - I haven't changed anything, just tried to log on a few days ago and...
whats a better word for 'soonest' or 'nearest' as in the question: 'Let me know the soonest date we can have the meeting'. i have gone brain dead Thankyou
I have just been shopping. Came in and opened the fridge and there's a great fat spider sat in there. So now I have all the fridge food sat on the floor till my bloke comes home. Ar5e biscuits.
Hi everyone, I own a boutique and currently I play a lot of zero7 for my customers but I need some ideas for some different music that isn't too much or too cheesy, just cool...
That the less intellectual amongst you think that i am xXJoRoXx. So please feel free to report xXJoRoXx and ask the ed to ban them. Cos i kmow i fkin will. You degenerate idiots. How stupid can you...
The rest of this site seems good, but what is up with this category? It seems full of drunk teenagers.
Do i have to avoid "Chatterbank" or is the whole site like this?