How legal is this? My computer goes for an anual pc check with pc world, can i get "done" for having it on my computer? If it is illegal can the downloads be raced and could i get prosocuted?
Can you help? Valerieb1254 Where do I put Dail express prize crossword (sorry for appearing thick but I'm unsure what you mean). Fabricated objection about one student (5) B?i?t Viewers boldness...
Thanks for the replies. Will try the site Brian suggested. I think this Answer Bank site must have some sort of ban on Private Eye. When I tried to reply to suggestions there was some sort of filter...
Struggling with this one today. 13a Motor cut? am converting to electrical apparatus. (10) ?o?m?????r 15a Lost telephone somehow, but this'll bring people closer. (9,4) ????P?O?? ???S...
i am thinking of gettign a HP laptop. however, i see that it has a pc pentium chip rather then a mobile one. would this effect it much? it has a reallyt good spec apart from this. any advise is...
making a predetermined series of steps and body movements in time to music. 11 letters .E...I.H... Terpsichore fits, but does not match the clue. Problem is, the clue setter quite often gets things...
OK, perhaps I should have asked this BEFORE I spent money, but never mind! I've just become the owner of a Canon MVX350i camcorder and I was wondering if any other owners of the same camcorder had any...
Hi all, Sorry for a sad question, but I am trying to remember what the optical zoom on my TRV9E (Sony) camcorder is. Unfortunately, I don't have the instructions (or the box) anymore and the cam is so...
26a One who studies clays scientifically-or maybe just a potter. ?E?A?I?I?T 18a A trading post in greenland just south of the Arctic Circle. T?S?I?A? 10a School slang for a...
Does anyone know what HGVA stands for This is what the quiz says, but all I have found so far is HVGA (Half video graphics array). Any answers gratefully received as it is the only question...
does anyone know the name or address of those websites that you choose your fabric from and they send you a sample and then you can order large amounts if you like it?