For 19 across I've got E - E - N - T - I think it should be infinity but where I should have an I I've got an E from superintended and where I should have an F I've got an E from exhume. I seem to be...
Anyone know where i can find a site that gives me a quick overview/rundown of Final Cut Pro and some notes on how to use it. Nothing too detailed, just the basics.
27a No quick way to avoid teacher's pressure (6) - t - e - s Presumably the answer is STRESS, but I can't see the cryptic explanation. MISTRESS minus M1 (not that quick a way last time I...
2 clues to finish this and I'm running out of time now! Would be grateful for any help. 44a. Salve oddly covering snake's skin (7) S?I?D?E I think it may be swindle but can't really see why....
Simple piano tune in an Orange ad tonight with a couple doing a 'ballet' in the kitchen (is it new?). Can't see any other postings about it. Is it the Penguin Cafe Orchestra?
is it possible to compress an mp3 file to make it smaller? i want to reduce the size of some of my files so that i can fit more on my mp3 player, just wondering if it is possible. if so, how do i do...
i have sent a print job to a printers. It was done in InDesign. The print company is now asking for the fonts (Arial and New Times Roman). They only have true type fonts. How do i do this.?Help!
I wanted to get Freeview, however having put my postcode into the thing on the website, it says I am not able to receive it. A while back, someone brought their own Freeview box over, and got it...
28a Are Reps and a disappointment (4) ?E?L 33d Bends the stem (4) ?O?S 40a A hollow word of warning (4) C?V? 52a Present when theres a close call (5) ?N?O? thanks in advance
Last few I'm trying to get now 42d Driver's first to set off in Nazi sports car. S???D???R I think it's speedster, can see the SS for Nazi and D for first letter of driver - the rest is lost on me....
I have the above printer- its only about 9 months old - and unfortunately it hasnt been used for about 6 months. All the ink cartridges were empty, so I have replaced them all with brand new...