John O'Reilly hoisted his beer and said, "Here's to spending the rest of me Life, between the legs of me wife !" That won him the top prize at the pub for the best toast of the night ! He...
There's a lighht whispy spider in the top corner of our room and its been there for weeks. I saw it there before I put the Christmas Cards up in December and its still there. It hasn't moved but I...
I have about 50 photos buned on a cd that I was able to view when I put the cd in my computer, all the pictures opened up without me having to click on any of them. Something now seems to have gone...
There is always a request from charities for donations to support their work at home or overseas. What do you think of this idea. Everyone with a current bank account knows their balance every month....
I work as a volunteer at a community centre serving teas and coffees, we have a regular customer who comes in wheeling his wheelchair hjmself, it is on the flat with no obsticles in the way,he pays...
I'm currently being woken by a lovely alarm clock - there's a blackbird in the vicinity who sits out there every morning at dawn, singing his little heart out, bless him. My question is, why does the...
My neons developed white spot a week ago. I bought a proprietary treatment (King British) from the pet shop and have been using it every other day for the past 6 days and I can see a definite...
Our 13 year old cat Tom just dropped dead this morning, no sign he was ill, he'd just eaten breakfast and that was it, he lay down and died. Shocked me it did, I was leaving for work and didn't know...
I bought a Bluetooth dongle and I don’t know how to use it. Can you please tell me how to use it and where do I connect it to? What is supposed to do? Sometimes I buy things which I don’t...
I've got a squirrel proof bird feeder which has a plastic seed tube inside the ball with holes at the bottom to allow the seeds to drop down. I've twice found a sparrow with its head stuck in this...
Swallows have recently built a nest just outside our front door. They appear to have finished building the nest and we have seen the female sitting on the nest. However she doesn''t seem to sit on the...
BT asked me to download a ned site as the old one was getting out of date, This i done while BT cleared the old one. Now i have not got a BT icon to get on to BT internet I have to sign in every...
I have had two love birds for just over 3 years. Tonight I have found one dead on the bottom of the cage. She had been laying a lot of eggs but they were either both female or the other wasnt...