I badly need help. I am a prosecution witness for my husband chrged of ABH against me. I did not get any severe injuries. The first assault was a common assault in magistrates court where he was...
Some Pratt has complained about the term " Coffin Dodgers" does it offend, does it make you smile, has the bloody world gone stupid with P.C. Myself, 62, Could not give a sht, I have had my...
http://www.dailymail....Barbie-car-drunk.html I in no way would defend a drunken driver, apart from this guy also being a complete twit, but how can they ban him from driving for driving a toy car?...
When abraham drove hagar and her son away an angel appeared to her and said that god has heard the boy crying. so the angel showed her a well of water could it be that god appeared to hagar in the...
where do you all hang out the most and which catorgories do you avoid? Personally I like the religion and spirituality section for the debates, I often have a gander at law and body and soul and often...
This afternoon, I saw several bees outside the side of my house. On closer inspection, I noticed they were entering the building through a hole in the bricks- There are actually several holes visible...
I work in a Residential Home. We have permanent and Bank staff. If Miss A who does the rota (who happens to not be English ) how can she justify giving the majority of the shifts to the Bank staff who...
1..... prime minister
2...member of the royal family past or present
3.....which famous person do you most look like
4..... fav piece of fruit
5......one thing you would like to do before you die...
right now?
I'm down to my last half a glass of bubbles. My stomach is about to explode !
But I've got some Protos Verdejo when the shampoo dries up.......
I have noticed in the last few weeks and months that very few debates on Islam have occurred, yet several questions on the validity of Christianity have been posted. All things have been debated...
With so much negativity in the world today and so many people moaning about so many things, I thought it would be a bit of a challenge to come up with ten things to be grateful for in your life....