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am i banned completly
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In the Islamic cemetery near my home there is always bread and lentils scattered around the graves. It seems to appear particularly on religious days and around Eid. I did a google search on Islamic...
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Reports state that more people are becoming Muslims than turning to any other religion. Why do you think that is considering there is so much bad publicity about Muslims?
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Thining of doing this - anyone done it? my friend has done it and she is now a christian but just wanted other views
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Has anyone successfully given up smoking by reading any of his books? Was given one as a Christmas present a couple of years ago but haven't got round to reading it yet.
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Two Essex girls walk up to a perfume counter and pick up a Sample bottle, Joanne sprays it on her wrist and smells it, "That's quite nice innit, don't you fink Trace?" "Yeah, what's it called?" "Viens...
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If a female wants to become a Catholic and knows she will still be sinning i.e. will still take contraception, would this be truly bad? Thank-you
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A young Dutch friend of mine has just visited Scotland and found a lot of anti-English sentiment. I want to ask is there an English Scottish friendship society I could join to try to stop all this...
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Anybody had any success in giving up smoking with acupuncture. I recently had acupuncture for it, however I cant help thinking that its all a bit of a con.It was advertised that one session was all it...
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Do you read your stars in the papers? Do you take any notice of them? Or do you regard the whole astrology thing as utter rubbish?
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If you are not a, "religious," person, in the commonly accepted meaning of the term, have you ever had an experience that you would describe, in the absence of any other explanation, as, "Spiritual?"
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How can any religious belief system that preaches hell as an everlasting punishment be considered a religion of peace, love and forgiveness?
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This is a weird question and I don't know if I'm even posting it in the right place but who is the weirdest person you'd shag. I have plenty but my top one oddly enough is Nick Griffin (leader of the...
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no sympathy please, just to say i have had a little accident which was embarrassing to say the least... whilst enjoying the lovely sunny day, i decided to cyle the most scenic route home, so 22.7...
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I never used to have much time for the Royals, and I still think they let us down quite often, but I believe I was confusing the people with the office. Therefore, I do believe that our Monarchy is a...
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Don't laugh!" said the patient, Ed. "Of course I won't laugh," the doctor said. "I'm a professional. In over twenty years I've never laughed at a patient." "Okay then," Ed said, and proceeded to drop...
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email me [email protected] and i'll send the info to you
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how much money would you need to win on the lottery be 4 you give up working ? me it would only be ........10 pounds .

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