This is an old story that I just found whilst looking for something totally different. A decent...
This is a follow-on to a question that I asked a few weeks ago. TTT tried to help me but it seems that we were going in the wrong...
It doesn't say if he cheated and flew some of the course or if he just ran for a short time but this is an unusual story.
I drink, mainly, fizzy drinks. I go through a lot of plastic bottles and I have limited access to recycling facilities. I am thinking of asking Santa for a Soda Stream but I am a bit confused about...
I have seen many of these pictures and clips before but they are so good that I just had to share. I am off to get my flu jag and...
I know that grooming a bad-tempered longhaired cat can be dangerous. But this lad was in a bit of a state. Firstly she trims his death daggers on his murder mittens just to ensure that the groomer...
There is an article that I wish to read in the Times. It was previously printed in the Daily Mail but I would like to see if the Times has discovered more details of this matter or if they are just...
Have a try and see if you are as smart as you think you are.
I won't be entering - I know that I would not do very well!...
I seem to spend most of my day with either a microwaveable wheat pack or hot water on my back. Neither of these things stay hot for very long. I decided to heat the wheat heat pad for longer and the...
This has been posted in CB as it is not supposed to be a serious thread. Women and men are different but equal. I have been reading the thread about women being expected to be streetwise. I agree with...
Before leaving the house this morning I put my Lenovo laptop on, it started making funny noises - which it had never previously made. I got an error message telling me that it couldn't boot or boot...
Normally I ask for help valuing postcards on behalf of Oxfam, this is not a postcard and I have no idea what it is called. The picture in the middle can be moved and it becomes a 3D image. There...
Some of these outfits are ... there are so many adjectives that I could use but no one word comes to mind that truly describe them.