Excellent recent improvements -- congratulations all round! [paragraph] But what has happened to paragraphs...? [paragraph] I was taught to break up writing into logical blocks to make it easier to...
Thanks also AB Editor for the "Last Page" link in long questions - excellent! And I just noticed the spiffy new thing with questions - the text box gets larger for you if you are posting a question....
After I've used the report button I have to click the back button twice to get back to the list of questions. Is this just on my computer or is everybody else the same?
does anyone remember a tv series about a blue light that would appear in the corner of a little boys room and communicate with him. I think the blue light was called chalky or chokie ??
I really think you should add a new category called 'science'. I think you should rename 'internet & technology' to just plain 'internet' and add 'science & technology' Either that or keep 'Internet &...
could you find my stepdad in luton,his name is rudolf vallyon, address unknown he in 2001 was last known in luton.park street is where my aunty in law states that mr.vallyon drinks.he also would be...
This is from the Answerbank home page: The AnswerBank is a Community Question and Answer site. It was conceived as a central point where users can ask genuine questions and receive helpful answers,...