Following on from my blood pressure medication post, has anybody been on bendroflumethiazide? I'm worried about needing to wee all the time, especially because I teach, and I really can't stop my... ...
1) Ache add container plus key...(8) 2) Short alligator goes high each time initially ...(7) 3) Monarch consumes insect plus drink...(8) 4) Short feline offspring surrounded by smaller...(8) Indoor... ...
JUST FOR FUN! Name someone - singer/actor/ any kind of celebrity that you just can't stand but for no particular reason! I've a couple, but one that springs to mind is actress Lisa Faulkner - she... ...
No25 thou art a scammer (5) No24 what to say while considering the answer(4) No29 the beatles affirmitive reply (4) category crossword answerbank thank you.) I am sure that those who have been waiting many years for house in... ...
What things have you never done that seems that everone else (of your generation) has? For me (aged 58) Ive never seen Star Wars. Never sung at a Karaoke. Never been camping.
Shops can be found on the high street or a retail park Any help grateful 14. Sharjeel Khan and Khalid Latif were banned from cricket for spot-fixing in the 2017 Pakistan Super League 35. The world's... ...
I am new to ebay and am trying to sell an item on there. I have finished my ad with photos, etc., as 'buy it now' and set a time for the ad to start, but can't find a submit button for it to... ...
If a person lives in a restricted space for any length of time, such as those confined to bed for months following a serious accident or illness, is the eyesight affected? I am thinking they won't... ...
Wondered if anyone can help on these last 2 questions I'm really stuck on words relating to sewing 31/12/23 3,courageous holds north (7) 35, little French reason (5,5) thankyou in advance
I have just heard that they are discontinuing the medication I have used to manage my nasal condition/polyps for the past 14 years : ( I use flixonase steroid drops several times per year as like a...
54.can you see what it's worth in gold? 60.take little dancing steps to something heavy. 63.mixing clay by now should make it (2) 67. 0ur sovereigns monogram around Rome. 68.turning sword in hand he...