Just 4 to go 5a Cross - C-----I- 13a International agreement on air traffic liabilities (6,10) W-R-A/convention 20a Overall control -O-O-O-- 6d Not pleasant - --E-J---B-E (it's the J from Ajar that is...
Stuck on several but because some interlink 21 d - Relating to things in themselves (Kantian philosophy) N---E-A- 32a - Doubt; object to -U-A---N 33D - Not exactly known - -------N-I-A-- 41A - Is...
traditional board game N--- / --N-/ M-R--- traditional remedy for vision problems --E-R-G-T relating to what is not the case counter-A-T-A- way of making a ball curve A---D-T-D My brains gone into...
6d-one side of the house s-a-e/---h- first word looks like shade! 30a - effeminate, effete e-i-e-e 27d - Look on the bright side -o-e/---/the/-e-t last word could be best 38a - name part t-t-e-e-e...
33d Flat representation of 3d original s-e-e-g-a-h, ending probably graph, thought stereograph but that is flat original made 3d
32d Carved figures s - a - u - r - Not Statues as extra 'r'...
21A Measure of planet's reflection - ?l???o
8D Ten to the power of ten to the power of one hundred - G?o?o?????
27D Trick someone into becoming a sailor- ??a?g?a?...