4d. leading chess player. A?A?DMAST?E 55d. murray or campbell, eg. S?R???E 71d. billowing cloud. ??M?L?S 99d. charged with a crime. I?D?C??? 70a. public applause. ????A?M 123a. morning bugle call to...
2d bread placed over port (6) n?n?e?
10a manage to live without one major source of oil (6) ?r?n?i
22a girl that came first`s extremely nonchalant after contest (5) e?e?t...
Stuck on the following, answers are towns or cities in the UK. 11. Lavender Battle 42. Leg wear for a pop group. 47. Colour upper contours. 54. Nordic home for the milk tray. 58, Protection from the...
"Chaps maintaining help for girl" (6)
Have the letters: _ A _ D _ A
Stuck on this last clue and it's driving me crazy-I'm guessing it's a girls name but which one? Thanks!...