Hi I am stuck on the final two. Please cab anyone help? 21d. One gripped by leading Conservative man dealing with the news. 7 letters. I have T*P*C** 28a. Ruffian finding nothing left in house used by...
Last two (or one and a half) so help gratefully received. 21ac and 13d Completely stuck on 21 ac "Rules needing review by one in period" (8), tho have a thought that should be enfolded by...
A music thread was started last night to which I subscibed, now it has completely gone, but, a later one is still there.
Any explanations, thought not !...
The govt has made £3.5 million available in the Maddy investigation. Is there any point buying the book seeing as how we have been forced to fund this operation. Is the money door now open to...
21a series of points made repeatedly by a small number amounts to hot air (8) n???????
24d set a wonderful example- the reverse will bring yells (8) ?l?l?t???
thanks in advance...
RTE Guide 20 7/3 down two words of 4 letters and 5 Lab oratory for experimentation? I have "test" for the first word and ? U?E? for the second word. Cannot solve it and may have made a...
4ac: Feeder keeping transport a raiser (6) ???a?b
14ac: Administrative bodies for county (6) ??a?f?
20dn: Direction about clothes in bedroom facility (2,5) e? ??i??...
Last one, help needed, thanks.
37 d A medley of tomato, kalamata olives, feta cheese, red onion, and cucumber (5,5)
I have -e-e- salad (I think that is)...
12d cabbage with edible swollen stem ?????a??
55d Murray or Campbell s?????e
Someone remarked that this is a stinker of a crossword this week - thoroughly agree!!! Thanks for any ideas....
Hi everyone, I think this week in very difficult, so HELP!!!! Clump of grass (7). T?S????. Ornamental carp (3).??I. Stimulating drink (4,3). P??F TEA. Yellow skinned citrus fruit (4). ???I Many thanks