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My son is mentally ill and because I told the mental health team how he has behaving he now is in hospital but wants nothing to do with me. The Psychiatrists deemed him not to be ill enough to be...
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Just for a bit of fun here are 5 easy questions. You are allowed ONE attempt each. The winner gets a slice of my chocolate gateau. Ready? 1. What are Olive Oyl's vital statistics? 2. In slang, how...
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I am knackered i have done 22,350 steps
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Ive recently been in contact with two old friends (via facebook) that I knew years ago. They were both evangelical christians of the born again variety and had been bible believing evangelicals of the...
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The Geordie and Raoul jokes have been exhausted? anything else you would care to talk feel free...:-0p...
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someone i know has been charged with assauly for beating there 9 year old son who has been stealing food he smacked him 4 times which has left with bruising to the back, he is at the magistrates court...
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get an hobby. what do you recommend?...
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could this have been prevented?
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Found down by the river Coquet in Rothbury, police are negotiating with him now!
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What is the scariest book you have read and what would you recommend as a good thriller! I enjoy thrillers and true crime! have read a few Stephen Kings novels, Salems Lot scary!
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When i was out shopping I noticed a dwarf woman with a non-dwarf man holding hands so presume they are a couple. With them were two children who were also dwarves and I was wondering would these...
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if you are claiming job seekers and you are looking for work BUT dont get any replies and you decide to start selling bits and bobs on ebay or gumtree and you make around £400 each month from...
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I am not a religious person - but I accept that is my view and that everybody should be able to follow a religion of their choosing. However I get confused by all the religions and their rules - I...
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I have been told that the word lady only appears in the bible six times. The only one I've been able to find is in 2nd letter of John Ch1 v1. can anyone tell me where the others are please. Thank you....
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to be p1ssed on a sunday night?
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Further to my question http://www.theanswerb...w/Question911049.html is there any relevant law that can put an end to false and malicious complaints made by neighbours. Surely people just cant go...
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Why Do we have to have our relgious views challenged by Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons calling at our doors! Surely Religion is a personal thing and should not be infiltrated! A Wheelchair bound...
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just logged on to my facebook account and had the message that a certain person has accepted my friend request. I dont know this person and havnt sent a friend request to him. Whats going on? Any idea...
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Ive been a council tennant for more than 20 years and have never been reported for antisocial behavour before. However since moving to my present address my next door neiourbors seem seem to have it...

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