What is the sodding point in slippers that don't have a back ? You end up walking with a funny shuffling gait just to keep the bloody things on. Walk upstairs - and guess what - they fall off. Walk...
I've got a twitch in my eye - my eyelid seems to be constantly 'fluttering' like a muscle in spasm. I presume it isn't a muscle in spasm as I don't think there is a muscle in my eyelid (I could be...
Do you sometimes hear new songs and just fall in love with them and play them over and over and over again? I do this all the time.. sometimes even with old songs. I think I find some kind of...
Yes it's a toughie, but yes, actually, it is STILL raining. Not little icky cuddly drops, but huge conservatory-flooding glass-thwacking common-drenching deluges. It's getting so effing depressing,...
Just wondered, how long does a divorce take roughly? I thought I remember reading you had to be separated for 2 years first and then somebody else said it takes 6 months? Both parties are in agreement...
Wondering who sings song on Kingsmill advert ("You're lovely to me yes you are....") and if there is a CD available, as my Mum adores it but we have no idea who it is?!
I went for my 3 yearly smear this week and the nurse has told me that I have a cervical polyps, she is informing my GP who will ask for an appointment at the gyno clinic at my local hospital. I have...