13.During one's first affair one might have located this Island[6] 15.Wild boar or elephant may sway gently on channel waters[6,4] 16.I climb into an oak or perhaps a beech or fir here[5]
16d annoyed when seated again t - a - e - 31d irish organisation for un married parents and their children - - - o - - 41d lads can get mixed up in a muck raking affair - - a - - - l 33a 196o s...
can anyone help please, the clue is CLERICAL POLISH and the answer is a british bird, one word, eight letters. cardinal has been suggested but i dont think that it is british. thanks all LL
any help would be appreciated with the following: 4. voted no.1 female role model in 2004 62 Did this dissenter hope to destroy office sin Jobs of work 54 dont see these watching tele 55 will be there...
1 rhymes robin run 2 birth hood care 3 can cannot home 4 bath public shadow 5 trust prince volume 6 haven night custody 7 youth city triangle 8 day land bad
1..drinking in the woodland park (9) 2..ready for an old ploughmans lunch (4,8,6) 3.. big join up (5,5) 4.. Boudica was nearly one of these (7,6) any help please?
where has the bit gone when you put a question in it tells you to look at other questions of the same quiz so you dont keep repeating and as you can not go back more than 10 pages you cant even find...
Do the records of work houses still exist and are they on the internet please two relations have died in workhouses and I wondered if there were any contemporaneous records I could access ? thanks PP