The Victorians went to great lengths and made exhaustive scientific calculations to make sure that the application of the death penalty by hanging was humane; in so doing they abolished the...
How could that fundamentalist get reelected when the Boss helped Kerry. If americans are stupid they got what they deserved. How can so many people dislike abortion it is the womens right to her own...
Should ultimate fighting be banned? Some people argue that it is violent but they have less injures then horse riding Boxing is legal and they get repeted hits to the head. When they go down in UF it...
What is the meaning of "be left out of the will" in the following sentence? The parents became anathema to the greedy children as soon as the children realized that they had been left out of the will
does anyone know or remember the con in the film hard was the one set in the casino and it involved the character converting his cash into chips, and vice versa several times.he would somehow...
Is the main theme tune a famous classical piece? I noticed that in the 10/10/04 episode (the spiritualist one) the brass band at the village fete were playing this tune.
Why do the good fairies always take residence at the bottom of my garden. Happens everytime I move, although more recently they have been spotted near the shed