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Labourf are hiring a budget hotel as their conference hq. Given tha 7 out of the 12 lenders to labour want their brass back it looks like labour,already with16m debts are broke. Labour are insisting...
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Today DC will tell Clarke to take is soft judging and stick it where the sun dont shine, and about time too. Just how much longer can this man survive as a Tory. It appears the liberals were all for...
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A dating website that only allows "beautiful" members has had to apologise to tens of thousands of "ugly" people who were accepted by mistake Last month the screening process was...
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Balls is now blathering on about the VAT Rate. Did he not notice that when Brown reduced it it made s*d all difference and when Osbourne raised it (to clear up Balls a& Co Mess ) it also made no...
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Former Tory Peer Lord Taylor is the latest politician to be sent down for 12 months for fiddling his expenses and good riddence to him. Are they finally getting their comeuppance or will he be out in...
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House prices may rise 16% by end of 2015 suggests a study by the Centre for Economics and a separate study by the Halifax suggests we may become a nation of renters in a generation. Now quite possibly...
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So eating vegatables can give you e-coli. Sounds a good enough reason to dodge them for me, line up the meat !! Has Spain really got good cause to be angry at having bans and fingers pointed at them...
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So we see the BBC publicicing gallows running for Murdoch to me this demand like political statemnent.l as we pay for the BBC is this right?
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More news stories emerging on how thieving scum are now targetting charity shops. They steal the clothes and now the big metal containers too. This is not some low life feeding himself this is...
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Brown has admitted in the US he made mistakes and the the FSA he created and oversaw failed too, helping to throw us all into the mess we are in. Is this the first signs that the guilt is starting to...
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Last week £3.70 not £3.10 in the Square Mile, so why such the rise ?
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Now a soft judge has let a drugs dealer, who was caught with 50K of drugs including crystal meth, off with a 12 month suspended sentence. This man was peddling in death, just what planet are our...
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Odd that we dont seem to get posts from SP. Gromit and Jake. Is it that the civil service, and hence the chatering classes, now have to do some work?...
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Yesterday Balls saw fit to cash in on the Japanese crisis and suggest that the Government will use this as an excuse on the economy. True he was slated, even by some members of his own party, but does...
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Finally labour have admitted what most of us knew all along, that labour let immigration get out of control. In the last year of labour 226,000 immigrants entered the country at a time when we are...
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In yet another cringe to the culture of liberalism and softness in our legal system, Justice Secretary Ken Clarke and his departmental minions have signalled that shoplifters can avoid jail if they...
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Today we have seen gangs of youths fighting with knives and hockey sticks round trafalgar sq. Home grown, isit heck this lot are albanians thoyghtfully given a home by us now repaying like this. So...
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While it's hard not to feel sympathy for those whose worthy causes will face the axe, some councils have deliberately decided to slash the cash for popular services. Their cynical aim? To embarrass...
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Convicted heroin dealer Like Welsh-Pinnock (yes spelt right) is planning to sue the Old Bill for breaching his oooman rights after they put his mugshot on name and shame leaflets. And in Scotland...
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Commons voted 234 to 22 to stick two fingers to the EU. What have all you Europhiles got to say about that then?...

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