More strikes threatened. Do these people really understand the real world? Why do they think people in the private sector should be taxed out of existence...
with cuts across the public sector and taxpayers facing tax rises to cover what still is to higher public wage bill why is this happening? Some are still making cuts, for instance the Ministry of...
There are rumours afoot that the Govenrment is considering buying more RBS shares. Current estimates are that it would only be £5Bn more to fully nationalise it. IMO it was a mistake bailing it... An 11 yr old manges to get on a plane to Italy with no passport ticket or anything. He simply walked on. so is this staff trying to prove a point or...
No not the World but the deaded Euro. Nearly £30billion was wiped from the value of Britain’s biggest firms last night as Spain came closer to economic collapse. The world’s stock...
Personally I think this minister has a bit of a cheek. Just who are politicians to preach to us all o te morality of things? Perhaps if they gave up their 'perks' and freebies they may have a point,...
AN immigrant is trying to sue the UK Government for £11MILLION — for making him “unhappy”. Daniel Kiunsi claims officials violated his human rights by confiscating his passport...
David Lidington, writing in French paper Le Monde, said: “We are committed to a leading role in a strong and stable EU. Being part of the EU is central to how we in the UK create jobs, expand...
IMMIGRANTS make up almost one in five of all murder and rape suspects an investigation has revealed. In London, of the 547 people charged with rape in the past 12 months, 174 were non-UK citizens....
OK, not illegal, but then neither have been many of the things our boardrooms have been accused of. GORDON Brown (Bottler) raked in £114,998 of taxpayers’ cash last year — on top of...
A voilent burglar(with a long history of crime) broke into someones house and laid into them with a knuckle duster. However the victim got a knife and stabbed him in the eye. Of course the lawyers...
Now the Government is proposing Care home costs to be funded by State Loans. Individuals will still have to sell their home and pay interest so what exactly is th epoint? Just when will they get it in...
"Call me Dave" seems to have shown yet again what his interpretation of a democracy is: "You had better do what I tell you or else" Leaving aside the Lords reform (which I actually...
As Libya prepares for its first election do the anti war brigade (well represented on this site) now agree that we 'did the right thing' ? Or would they have prefered to read about more Gaddafi...
Once again we are seeing euphoria around Mr Murray, being hailed once again as a great Brit. So how long will it be before he becomes the r**dy Scotsman again when he is out ? And what if he wins?...
Seems that our good neighbours may be setting a precident by taxing foregn home owners (Including other Europeans). If that is the case I suggest the UK also adots a similar approach and taxes ALL...
I'm most interested in the views of the anti warmongers amongst us, are you all happy now as with a reduced capacity our capability to wage ware will be vastly reduced? Personally I am all for...
No a think tank says the NHS must cut some unnecessary services. Doe this mean we will see and end to the 'World Health' Service and non life thretening work such as sex changes and ivf for lesbians...
A protest to stop the eviction of an Ecuadorian family from their Spanish apartment escalated into a mass riot amid clashes with police. With more than one million Spaniards face a crippling mortgage...
Bernie Ecclestone has offered to pay more than £35m to stage a grand prix in London. It is estimated that up to 100m could be generated from it giving the UK and London a boost. Good idea ? Or...