I am addicted to ER new and old episodes and particularly like Noah Wyle! i Was wondering if anyone knew how to get into contact with him? Not his number or anything! just a contact address or email....
Hello, lovely Boo. Thought I would answer your query here rather than my thread on News - geting very serious. Happy everything to you. I've been ABing (silently, mostly) since gigglemas, but just...
Hi AB users, It's Friday, the weekend is officially here! Don't forget to check out the Ed's blog...which will reveal all! Other than that enjoy the weekend! Over and Out AB Ed
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/kent/632384 3.stm What would you put in - that would show what life in England is like today?... - an IVA application form - a 'get out of jail free' card - an XBox...
I was in electrical maunufacturing for years and I was always under the impression that if you manufacture it should be 35% and retail 25% profit margin. However is this case with anything. A friend...
Following on from Hellion's question what were you all like at school? Are you still in touch with people from your schooldays? Any funny memories? What's your best and worst school memory?
PREDICTION TIME..................................... Time to nail your hat on a tall piece of timber that normally sticks out of a boat and they put a sail on it (MAST). Which three teams will be...
I'm a emotional beauty queen who gives good head!! now your turn... Take the first letter of your first name A-Boyish B-Gorgeous C-Pretty D-Popular E-Gangster F-Girly G-Dyke H-Sweet I-Retarded...
What's the sexiest thing a girl could do at work in the office - to show she is interested...? What's sure to get your attention? (-for the right reasons!)
Firstly, I'd like to thank everybody that entered, some great musical snippets there guys & gals! Ok now for the results (opens golden envelope)... In third place with a great rendition of 'Billy's...
It seems all the paperwork is in order,Yet its the premier who are stalling on wether to allow javier to play for liverpool.Am sure they cant do this...?,then again if it comes to it am sure liverpool...
i am in a fantasy football game and i have a. cole in my team,now he is crocked will wayne bridge fill his shoe until he gets better or will someone else do it i need to know so i can make a wise...