Sainsbury's renames fish to spare embarrassment The store has renamed Pollack as Colin because, it said, potential buyers were too embarrassed to ask for pollack, a cheap and plentiful cod substitute....
Well its nearly the end of the working day . Well for some. So whos up?? Whos down ??? Whos had a good day ?'?? Whos had a bad day then ???? Well speak up .........................
Do you have any idea what your name really means? Where its origins lie? Do you wish your parents had chosen otherwise? My real name is teutonic/German (Strange, considering my Jewish ancestory). It...
i know i was wrong but....last night i looked thru my BF's phone. He had a txt from a guy saying 'hi ive just asked anna,you did snog her face off. how was she? she said u were bad lol. Then the next...
welll the weekend trolls were no match foir cabbage even naming themselves after it lol i really am so smart compared to them that i must pat myself on the back lol iam THE MESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIAHHHHHHH
Rent in one end of town? (4) I have T _ RN, and assume the answer is TORN - but why (apart from 'n' being the end of 'town')? I suspect I'm missing the bleeding obvious here!
is it possible to upload pics on here for you girls to take a peek at? as you are aware ive had a bit of a nightmare with my hair / hairline recently and ma having image issues... i do still get told...
An American bank that I deal with uses MM to represent millions, and M to represent thousands, so whenever I read say $6M I have to remember that it's $6,000 not $6,000,000. Similarly, when I write...
I've mentioned this problem before and a fellow Aber suggested I may have SPD. I now believe I do have this, as I seem to have all the symptoms. I went out for the day yesterday, so did loads of...
I have to get this off my chest, so here goes. Whilst putting my 2yr old grandson in a Supermarket trolley today, I saw a huge brute of a man Slap his 2/3 yr old so hard across his head I wouldn't be...