is driveing me mad with the paul white house ad if hes not doing a dogey wesh accent sayin "bargin" hes shouting out at the top of his voice " green aaaaaaaarmyyyyy" oh my god i...
just got back from matalan loads of bargins compleate outfit head to toe inc new shoes and bag jeans and two tops all for £65 im well chuffed hows your day been?
see if you can in a funny way gently insult the person above you for example "zzxxee your mother smells sooooooo bad she even made right guard turn left" dont jump on the band wagon and only... 2................ colour 3..................3 course meal starter/main/pudding 4........................ song of all time 5..........................member of your family(i...
my daughter who is 18 has a chesty cough doctor says no need for anti biotics she isnt keen on cough medicine any idea how to losen phlem without takeing medicine and how to make breathin easier?
did anyone catch the interview with the lady from poole who has a disabled son, who was being terrorised by a gang of youths she had such a thgick folder of all the compaints she had given to the...