This is a public participation site. As such certain things, pitches and so on will appeal to different types of people. I think what DTC is saying is that you need to be careful how the site is portrayed to the outside world as well as it's current users because it is billed as being a ' Question and Answer Site'. As such it has a function. To function properly it needs clever well informed people, and as long as it has those it will be great. If the site slithers and loses valuable members ( don't really think you can top 50 things like users), it's unlikely to appeal then to similar people and you might take it's value down a notch. Annoy them in time and they leave and so a downwards spiral begins. Once it becomes an ineffective Q & A site, people stop visiting it for answers and it loses web traffic. then advertisers aren't as attracted. There are millions of people to replace lost users if they flounce off but they do have to be of a certain calibre.
On a personal note, I don't have much of a problem, except it would be nice to know who the moderators are as with most other sites, but generally I think it's a fun informative site who don't get things too wrong.