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General Election

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NellieMay | 15:29 Wed 30th Oct 2019 | Editor's Blog
192 Answers
Perhaps the right time to do a poll on how we would vote? Personally I dont think canvassing or csmpsigns will make any difference. We are all pretty sure of our intentions!


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And 10 Clarionstreet. Your reference to older people as blue rinse brigade and inferring bladder problems do nothing but show your intelligence level and the type of company you keep. Fortunately the majority of younger people are not like you and respect young and old alike.
You're welcome, Nellie.

Diddly, tell me what you admire about any country you've been to that's governed by the hard left. It doesn't matter which.
Naomi - We're not talking about any possibility of a "hard left" so your question and further responses are pointless - just a proper Labour party i.e. not a Tony Blair so-called Labour party.
Diddly, okay. I can only assume you’ve never seen it in action. Be careful what you wish for because I can guarantee you wouldn’t like it. Just ask yourself why so many of those regimes collapse.
Danny - your repetition of links to Tory rags is tedious. Please read a sensible newspaper.
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I can back up Naomi here. I am married to a refugee from a far left country and my in-laws experienced what life was like. No doubt that both Corbyn and McDonnell have been far left since coming into politics. There is plenty of evidence. If Labour get in under Corbyn I fear for future generations. Diddly, Jeremy Corbyn is far removed from the old style Labour you remember. You should do some research.
naomi; to which "hard left" countries do you refer? There is no more lefter countries in Europe than Sweden
I wonder how many people who think Corbyn's extreme left policies are wonderful have visited countries which were formerly in the Eastern Block?
Diddly, Sorry but the Morning Star is not on my reading list.You should get your paranoia treated.
Khandro, Sweden bears no comparison whatsoever to the countries I’m talking about. You do know it’s a monarchy?
Bhg, that’s exactly what I’m asking.
Give me far left rather than far right which is what we've got at the moment with Boris.
i remember labour, power cuts, unburied dead, rubbish piled up, strikes everwhere, militancy..some would sing keep the red flag flying high...then a savour came under margaret thatcher, and broke the lot of them, and good riddance, a mute point for some i admit, those who lost jobs, in dead industries like coal, as for vehicle manufacturers, all went to the wall, because of strikes...unions got fat, and workers lost out because of that..
Diddly, so you are admitting that the present Labour hierarchy are far left.
n. //You do know it’s a monarchy?//
Sure! Gustav & Sylvia are old friends of mine.
Now please answer my question; which countries?
diddlydo, give me far left...marxist antisemites, antifa anarchy for the one socialist country thats prospering at peace with itself.
Actually it's King Carl XVI Gustav, Gustav being his father's name. Never understood why the Swedes do that.
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If peopld like Didley think Boris is far right then they have no worldly experience or knowledge at all. They live in their own narrow world. To be honest, far right and far left with so called different ideals are very much the same. In the end the people are oppressed and the rich and powerful prosper. We are lucky to live in the UK.
I think to Khandro anything to the left of Nigel Farage is communist :-)

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