Current Affairs0 min ago
Ed, Where Is The Rationale?
92 Answers
I posted a GMEB thread at 03:16 today. Some 18 minutes later a duplicate GMEB thread was also posted. My thread was later removed.
Spare Ed has already posted:
"Avatar Image ABSpareEditorIn ChatterBank, there can be as many chats as you wish but please do not duplicate any threads. We don't need to have two morning threads and two afternoon threads...19:50 Tue 07th Feb 2023"
https:/ / eanswer .uk/Cha tterBan k/Quest ion1826 628-8.h tml
Why is consistency not applied?
Spare Ed has already posted:
"Avatar Image ABSpareEditorIn ChatterBank, there can be as many chats as you wish but please do not duplicate any threads. We don't need to have two morning threads and two afternoon threads...19:50 Tue 07th Feb 2023"
Why is consistency not applied?
Is this some sort of bragging rights? //and I had 50+ responses // Yes, well. Twenty of them from "train boy" within 45 minutes?
05:46 Sun 16th Apr 2023
Whilst we’re at it, what’s happening with this thread
https:/ / eanswer .uk/Fam ily/Que stion18 34178.h tml
It’s clearly a duplicate which I’ve reported yet nothing seems to being done.
It’s clearly a duplicate which I’ve reported yet nothing seems to being done.
IMO the 1st GMEB thread should have stayed, the 2nd one should have been deleted even if it had 2 pages of same couple chatting, why they don't just ring each other I don't know, I seen a post the Easter Sunday by 2nd GMEB poster and when there was no reply, she screamed wakey wakey (in type )
I think the moderator is great for ridding the latest posts of spam but is definitely seen to be always leaning to one side - therefore is not impartial and shouldn't be a mod
I think the moderator is great for ridding the latest posts of spam but is definitely seen to be always leaning to one side - therefore is not impartial and shouldn't be a mod
I tend to agree with you Pasta
Relatives could carry the conversation on whatsapp or wherever but posters like choux - a full time carer, that would be up for whatever reason should have their post left there as I definitely wouldn't reply and meddle with relatives but I would have said good morning to choux and seen how was her evening or night with her OH. It's a long night when you're up caring for a loved one
However it's minced, it was a duplicate thread
Relatives could carry the conversation on whatsapp or wherever but posters like choux - a full time carer, that would be up for whatever reason should have their post left there as I definitely wouldn't reply and meddle with relatives but I would have said good morning to choux and seen how was her evening or night with her OH. It's a long night when you're up caring for a loved one
However it's minced, it was a duplicate thread