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Spicing Up Ab

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naomi24 | 09:27 Tue 12th Sep 2023 | Editor's Blog
129 Answers
Complaints that AB, and in particular the News section is being commandeered by a few people obsessed with Brexit, Boris, and the perceived ills of the government, abound, so here's an idea. If enough of us post other, unrelated news, that which is either sending us to sleep or driving us to distraction will no longer dominate. If we don't make the effort to change it, it won't change, so how about it?


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Very good idea Naomi. And as chatterbank has fallen in numbers because it almost became, let's all chat. Forget about early birds altogether perhaps?
The problem with this site at the moment are the MODS. They have too much power, are running this site .closing threads down and removing answers left right and centre . backing their favourite posters and punishing the ones they don't like ..Like removing this post of mine now.
Oh poor poor Gully, the resident troll is getting a bit shirty.
Okay, I've done my bit, Naomi, over to you and the team
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Haaaaa! I've just had a look at that, Hazi. Well done and thank you. I'll add my bit to it later. :o)
Looks like the herd is Gathering.
That’s actually a very sensible suggestion, Naomi.
The problem is that even when we try and start a sensible news thread it invariably gets turned into one of the favourite subjects of the trollsketeers.
Did you just make that up? Do you lay awake at night devising silly insults?
Gully - I suspect no Mod will remove your post.

But that's because it doesn't contravene Site Rules, which is the only reason posts or threads are removed.

You of all people need to be grateful that Mods don't remove threads or posts because they don't like them.
pasta : "Did you just make that up?" no I made it up months ago.
12.07 "You made it up months ago."
But it's taken you until now to learn how to spell it.
obsessed with Brexit, Boris, and the perceived ills of the government,

writes someone who was happy TTT ( bless!) wd start up to 5 "leave" threads a day before the Great Brexit vote ! - - righto ! as dear TTT says.

more mimsy-ness that is what I say

less - floods in Libya
what is the matter - can they swim> stuff
pasta : "Did you just make that up?" no I made it up months ago.

dear TTT and his zippy one liners ! how I treasure them and repeat them later with a chuckle
PP 14.46 ..... Spot on PP.
hi Gulls - keep your puckker up
gawd elp us it's a Trollsketeer love in, Aramis and Athos, only Porthos needed!
Porthos was a hound on Enterprise!
PP 15 36 ...Is Naomi now the fifth member of TTT's 5C's club.???
Create a 'Gully; category under News so we, who wish, can avoid his endless droning and wittering on as to 'Richi', 'Borif' and the 'Stories' at large......

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