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Spicing Up Ab

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naomi24 | 10:27 Tue 12th Sep 2023 | Editor's Blog
129 Answers
Complaints that AB, and in particular the News section is being commandeered by a few people obsessed with Brexit, Boris, and the perceived ills of the government, abound, so here's an idea. If enough of us post other, unrelated news, that which is either sending us to sleep or driving us to distraction will no longer dominate. If we don't make the effort to change it, it won't change, so how about it?


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I admit to not having read recent posts, but how difficult would it be to dodge certain abers you dislike or irritate you ? It’s not difficult. Don’t open his posts .
Andy Hughes @ 11 16 ..."get your own house in order first"...
Gulliver - I'm not the one having a pity party.
Blimey I am surprised that Andy has had the energy to scroll down this far
12.28 Niether am I started of as a bit of fun but you lot turned it serious.
Just an observation...

There have been allegations on this thread of bullying which I really struggle to understand; how is it possible to feel bullied and/or get upset about things on an anonymous Q&A site?

I've been called things on here in the past and I really couldn't care any less if I tried. If I'm called a prat by somebody I'm never going to meet, it's not going to affect my feelings one jot; if people really do feel bullied, they need to get some perspective, grow a set and man-up (can I still say man-up?).
gawd elp us we have another Trollsketeer groupie!

commandeered by a few people obsessed with Brexit, Boris, and the perceived ills

my God ! I see what Naomi ( thrice bless her name - wisdom of Solomon or Judith or some other wise lady) means

how is it possible to feel bullied and/or get upset about things

easy - teenagers and schoolchildren do it all the time, take it seriously and sort of hang themselves. It happens
Peter ...It all goes over my head... believe me. Cheers .
Anyhow I have changes my mind and decided to stay with Ab .
That will be good news for most
Good news, Gulliver1 !
I am beyond thrilled!!!
13.49 .Andy Hughes you are easily pleased problem
-- answer removed --

Andy Hughes is a well respected and a well educated man, I think he may be the logest serving 'member' on AB.

14.19 Mate of yours posting here



14 24 And!

14.28 hrs. what on earth is a red hot chilli pepper doing hanging about ?
Oh, of course, spicing up AB doh!

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