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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
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What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
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Apparently he wasn't taking drugs at the party hija was at, he moved on to another village and took too much cocaine and had a heart attack.

I hope you don't mind me unloading on here, Mr N doesn't like talking about this stuff, he is very condemnatory.
unload all you like Neti, its what friends are for. I have no idea what's going through his head. Something small and furry has obviously been using the hole to move between gardens and left a scent trail. Rab's not usually so intense about it though. If he eases off over the next few days i'll let it go but if he doesn't I'll have to put a bit of extra fence there in case he starts digging. The fence isn't mine and is older than the house so it wouldn't take a lot to tuen a mouse sized hole into a Rab sized hole.
that's very upsetting, neti, but sounds like it has nothing to do with hija, so that's something. They're very harsh on drugs in Dubai, I think you even have to have a note from your mexico to take in aspirin (maybe it's codeine), so she's as safe there as anywhere this side of Uummannaq.

We are being held captive by a black cat. It has been prowling round the garden all day and for the last 5 hours has been sitting staring at me through the French windows mewing piteously. I can't get out the back door as it tries to hurtle inside. I think it's just local and has a collar of some sort. OH courteously left a saucer of mile which it wouldn't touch ( too lo-cal, I expect) but maybe it wants something more filling.

Why would it be doing this? Have its owners gone away for Easter or something? It is very annoying.
apparently he doesn't have a collar at all - there was another black cat around here a few weeks ago who did, but this is a different one. He looks quite well fed though so I don't think he's feral or anything.
sadly jno, its owners might have dumped it.
Morning all...Happy earth Day?! Mizzy mud day is more accurate, it's piddling down. Oh, hang on, it's going to brighten up...just as it's about to get dark. Deep joy.

A lot of sad news for you & hija neti, I think there's too much drink and drugs everywhere, not only Ibiza. I hope your friend's op is a success.

jno the cat's owners may have gone away for Easter, left someone else in charge of the feeding and it's taken umbrage. Obviously you look like a soft target for food and shelter, you could try wearing a lion onesie. I have a black cat who comes and talks to me when I'm out in the garden, I turned around yesterday and there he was, nonchalantly licking the space where there used to be a couple of things. He didn't want to talk about that.
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Just heard that the poor lad had colon cancer, so who knows?
Morning all
Not nice beside the seaside todaz .Dull and drizzlz
How awful Neti . I hope zour friend will pull through .
Lol Jno ...perhaps he's looking for a holidaz home ,next doors cat makes itself at home in our garden most of the time .It could be lost .
...Aaaargh ,Mz damned kezboard is plazing up again ...bah.
I~ll have to shut down .

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Shaney does your computer keep going back to metro tiles? I hate it, and have almost conquered it.

Mr N home todayk and has finally mended the kitchen lights, washing machine didn't leak today, he thinks it's the door seal, so if I put in a goodly amount of clothes, it absorbs the water, ergo no leakage!!
yyy zzz '''...It's a bloomin' nuisance .I must hit a wrong key somehow.
Either that or it's fat finger syndrome .
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the most expensive restaurant on the planet is opening in Ibiza on May 18th, will have to ask Mr N is we can go !!!!! £1,235 a head!!
cat was still here after midnight but when I got up this morning it had gone (as had the rest of the saucer of milk), so hopefully its owners have come home. I will see what heppens if I go out the door again.
Todaz? Lol shaney, but we're in the perzil zcullerz :)

Neti the words I uttered after I'd watched the video on that link wouldn't get through the filter on here so the polite version is...what a bloomin load of pretentious twaddle. I don't see any enjoyment in eating food that someone's handled and fannied about with until even the stray cats wouldn't want it. So when you invite all the biddies over to join you there it's a no thanks from me. :)
I've now managed to wreck the computer desk .I knocked into the pull out shelf and a screw has come loose at the back somewhere ,dropped onto the floor and now it's on the skew whiff .As I type it wobbles . I can't find the darned screw either .
Lol ..he's probably hiding in the bushes waiting to pounce Jno.
Blimey ....still I suppose some people will pay for the experience .More fool them .I'm ever so good at food art .I'm an expert at making smiley faces on a plate with sausages ,mash and peas :)
Hello all...blimey i am away for one morning and you lot write War and Peace!
Will try not to miss anything
Neti, that explains a bit if the poor lad had colon cancer. Still dreadful for his loved ones though.
Lol at you and the cat Robi. When the boys were little Rab used to remove things from the garden and come prancing into the house with "presents" for me, including one time about 10 feet of my very expensive buried watering system. Its to my eternal credit that I didn't yell as yelling used to panic him and still does a bit. Talking of Rab, his guarding hole has ceased to be of interest. He stayed out there till 11pm last night and had to be shepherded into bed, we went out to the forest this morning and he has come back and had a sleep and a wander around the garden and is back asleep again. Go figure.
Shaney have beeezz zwarmed in your keyboard??
Shaney it won't help you now but I have got a clever screwfinding thingy that is a strong magnet on a telescopic wand thing...will try and find you a link, its a boon.
Have you booked at the restaurant Neti?? I am not a fan of messed about food either unless I am doing the messing.
I am glad your cat situation is sorted Jno. I like cats but its difficult...most people who have them seem to have an expectation that everyone else will be okay with them roaming. I am myself (although I have had to net the fishpond) but the boys don't agree!
just watched the can keep the food but can I have that pretty table please?
A magnet on a stick?! Sounds like the ideal toy for a bargain huntin biddy..think of all the handbags you could drag away from under people's noses..soup cans you could lift out of baskets...cutlery off cafe trays when you forget to get your own...ooh, the uses are limitless.

I'd like a cat who looks like this
you beat me to it Robi, that's the thing!

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