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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
1363 Answers
What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
Oh not a disaster dinner Woofy .We had cottage pie dings and I opened a tin of peas and carrots to go with them .It's all fine dining here yer know :).
The expensive burn plaster is crip and has fallen off .Don't know what to do really .Whatever I put on is sticking to it and making it worse .I fed up .
I'm sorry to keep rattling on about it .I don't usually make a fuss but it really is horrid.
I hope you've had a nice birthday Robinia .
Goodnight all ,sleep toight .
can you get to see a practice nurse and get it properly dressed? Big burns are horrid.
Funnily enough I just looked on the website no appts until 12th May and trying to get past godzilla on the desk is a nightmare ! Plus, I would have to get up at the crack of dawn to phone up and then they give you the third degree.Cba quite honestly .I'm sure it'll be alright .It's just so bldy sore and weeping .
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Good morning. Oh shaney that burn sounds really nasty, I can't believe you don't have walk-in emergency centres, at the most we have to wait an hour and we get treatment, if too bad we are sent to main hospital in Ibiza town, where you can wait a long time. I found a walk-in doctors on Eastbourne station, had to get there at 9am last year but it was great, and my sisters use it for emergencies and it is not their doctors.

Have to renew my medical card today, with a photo this time. All our meds are stored on the c/card size card and we can go to any chemist and they scan the card and know what meds we need, all very update here on some things, but not buses or main sewerage, but I'll leave that for another day.

Hope you are all OK xx
oh that's distressing, shaney. No walk in centres around? A brisk walk to Suffolk would do you the world of good
Did you show your burn to the pharmacist? that's the other option round here, our local Boots has got a particularly helpful one.
We went out early today and the dogs went haring off, they had a lovely run around and came back grinning. We got home at 5.00, went back to sleep at 6.00 and I woke up again at 10.30!!! The dogs opened one eye when i went to make coffee and went back to sleep again.
Morning all
Lovely sunny day . I'm just waiting for my Ibru to kick in then I'm going to the walk in centre in GY .Doctors were hopeless as I guessed they would be and the receptionist told me to go to the pharmacy,there were no appts today.
My wrist is red and swollen and I don't want another bout of that cellulitis .
Hope you're all ok .
Pip Pip for now .
Oh you weren't there Woofy when I posted . Yes I did show them and he gave me that plaster thing but it was useless.
Well I am glad you are doing something about it Shaney. Its really easy to get into the habit of being brave about your own problems to the point where it gets risky!
I'm very impressed .Walked in ,filled out form ,and was seen straight away The nurse put some very cold gloop all over it ( what a relief ) and a non sticky thing plus bandage .Said I should have gone earlier instead of leaving it . Have to go back Friday and have it redressed.
There's a very good second hand bookshop nearby where all paperbacks are a quid and picked up a couple of books then I had a mooch round BHS while waiting for the bus .I'm so glad I threw vanity to the wind and walk better with my stick .
Afternoon I is, I'm not lost, just undiscovered, as the song says :) I've been having a rest, two busy days and I was boogered.

I'm glad you've had your burn treated shaney, I thought about cellulitis and was hoping you'd go somewhere. Hope it heals quickly now. Your dinner sounds fine to me, I love tinned carrots, soft n sweet. I don't like all this Al Dental stuff. :)

Ozzy rang me, he had his eye lasered on Friday, for the retinopathy, and now it's a wait of maybe weeks to see if it's worked. I really do hope so, everything's crossed.

Birthday cards are still arriving, the bank holiday throws people out. I'll ask the queen if we can change it from May day to Robi day. A free Babycham and a sausage roll for over....ermmm ...50s. I'm glad it's not today, the weather's grim, cold, windy and it's just hammered down....and I've got a sinus headache.
I hope Ozzy's eye procedure proves to be successful Robinia .Fingers crossed for him .
It's turned mizz here too now and it's been raining after a lovely start .
my last GP appointment was two weeks ahead; so whenever I have anything even remotely urgent I go to the walk in centre (there are a couple about five miles away so no actual walking). They used to ask if there was any reason for not seeing my GP and I just replied "because he won't see me"; nowadays they seem to have stopped asking.

Bob the builder has fixed the fence, there are still some trellisiseses that need sorting and some indoor jobs but he should be all done tomorrow, weather permitting.

Gor Michael Holliday on the iPod singing Rooney Oh
I will add Ozzy to my prayers Robi.
Shaney I have got a selection of sticks. My mother's old one which is blue patterned, slightly short but good for barefoot, a black one with gold butterflies on which is my going out shopping stick, a plain black slightly longer one for walking the dogs and a hiking pole for walking the dogs when I don't really need a stick. I keep looking at silver topped ones on ebay for posh occasions. I've got two iffy knees sticks are part of my life!
oh Michael Holliday...brilliant!
I think I shall be doing the same for anything urgent in future Jno .
Lol Woofy we've got a load of sticks in the big umbrella pot in the hall.
All too short for me though .All inherited from MiL and the great aunts of Mr.S .
Some are lovely with lots of badges attached from out of the way places in deepest Bavaria .
Mine is a plain collapsible one but now I've got used to walking with it I may treat myself to a snazzier one .
here he is... actually, someone's downloaded the entire film (in two parts)... Catherine Cookson, eh?
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evening all, slightly pie eyed here.

shaney glad you have (hopefully) got sorted!

Robi hope Ozsy is ok, love and thought sgoing to him.

Mr N informed me that we were going to meet an old friend, and there ws George, an old friend from the early 70's - he's had a stroke, got a wife and lost his ginger curls, but was great meeting up again, he fancied me in the 70's don't thin he does now :-( had quite a few beers, no roat chicken tonight, hija made us fish n chips but I could only face the chips.

On the ups side, I took my photo in to the health centre and the receptionist said, How pretty, have I photoshopped it - bless, there wms my face with a glasses mark across the nose and bags under the eyes, made me feel better though.

Am going off to sleep now am shattered. Hija bought me a delish chewy meringue, which I have just eaten, but that's it, no more have a blood test on 15th !!
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If any of you make head or tail out of my last post, then you deserve some sort of prize.

Oight oight
are meringues still in your blood a week later? What a nice thought

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