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Dan Glebitts | 19:52 Fri 02nd Jun 2006 | Adverts
4 Answers
what is the name of the song on the Vauxhall Astra twintop ad, where the car appears to be surfing?



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That completely out-of-place song that doesn't fit the visuals at all (in my opinion) is Rock Island Line performed by Lonnie Donegan. Well, if you want to be picky, it's actually performed by Chris Barber's Jazz Band and released under the singer's name, for reasons we shan't go into.

You've really got a bee in your bonnet about that one haven't you jenstar? Lol.

actually, the music does fit really well, as a surfer myself, i found it a relief to see a advertising company using music which goes with the history of surf instead of just putting what the general public deem as "extreme culture" music in i.e punk, hip hop etc etc, most musicians who surf are acoustic artists for example the now legendary jack johnson whos roots are in surfing, he is more famous in the surf culture for his film making etc ben harper and donovan frankenreiter are also acoustic based artists who surf as is xavier rudd, so to suggest that this song is misplaced is not so true, sry to have a rant about it, just i thought that vauxhall had got it right.
and the song is originally by lead belly!

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