It probably saved my daughter's cat..... she has just moved and on sunday, her beloved cat decided to jump out of the window - only five floors up in a Manchester ten-storey block... It looks... ...
I would love to get the Merlin app which identifies birds' songs. I don't want to sign up for a regular financial commitment. Is there a free one for iPhone? I can't find one. I would love to know... ...
I was driving late one night about 2am & i saw a bird in the road, but i didnt know it was a bird until it suddenly flew away as it was a dark colour, it was night, & theres no street lamps on... ...
My sister, and I were planting some tomatoes. She said that we should cover the bottom of the pots with rock. I guess it helps the water filter better I guess. So we went to the river with two 5... ...
With the deadline of 10 June fast approaching, apparently there are millions yet to get their pussy chipped – with the potential of a £500 fine for non-compliance. I was completely unaware of this... ...
Since we got up this morning Colin has been acting really strangely. Counter surfing - something he has not done for about 8 years! Trying to steal my food from my plate as it sat on the table -... ...
Being a keen bird-lover I've grown a large hedge on my property which now houses several bird's nests every year. Unfortunately the bloody magpies have discovered it and have now raided on several... ...
Rooks, magpies, jackdaws etc are eating me out of house and home! We are in a rural location and it is always worse at this time of year when the nests are being built and the chicks start to... ...
I took on 2 kittens who had been chucked out like rubbish when they were about 10 weeks old in Sept 22. They are SO different in character! One is very clingy and does not like to go out too... ...
Since my neighbour and her husband had a baby, they keep their two cats permantently outside, when they never used to. They have made a cat flap in their shed for them to take food from, but when... ...
1) Vegetable fowl is vain (7) 2) Strut about famous lake (4) 3) Fiery circle could be pink (8) 4) Cricketer makes a racket (3) 5) This horse is a friend of mine (8)
I have a fox visiting me in the garden. Sometimes he limps on his back leg and sometimes his leg seems fine, somI don't think it's broken. Is this common with foxes?
//What's red, black, and hairy all over? A new species of bug discovered in Australia, dubbed by some as a "punk beetle" for its shaggy white locks. A Queensland researcher spotted the fluffy... ...