I have a 9 year old female who I have had since a kitten. I have (two weeks ago) taken on a 9 week old male kitten. The house has turned to utter bedlam. Despite trying to ensure the older cat gets...
where there was a bit on a woman who had let her alsation starve and only got a 4 month prison sentence. i was wondering who else out there thinks that animal cruelty should have harsher sentence's,...
My friend has just got a dog its a cross between a bull mastiff and a stafforshire. now shes got 2 children under 5 and i told her it wasnt a ideal choice. does any one have a experience of these...
We're hoping to get a french bulldog puppy (bitch) some time soon and we have our existing male bullmastiff who's 8. Where do we start as I'm worried that our existing dog will not like the puppy or...
We have an 11 year old cat which we got from a rescue centre just over a year ago, we would like to have another cat, maybe even a kitten, but our current cat does not seem to get on with other cats,...
My wife woke me up at Midnight last night telling me that there was a large dog in our front garden - and on looking out of the window - I saw a LARGE badger. We live in an urban area - a good mile...
i have a 6 year old cat that is scared to go outside and wont even come downsatirs if there are people in. is there any way i could help her get over her fears???
All I ever see them doing is hanging about outside windows at night, trying to get in. What is their real job? And why do they have those ridiculous legs? What are they all about? Wouldn't shorter...
...For some reason birds keep flying into my back kitchen window.....not just pecking at it but in full flight.....sometimes they are just shaken up but this week alone I have had two...
We have had our 11 year old cat for just over a year now, most of the time he likes to be fussed, but sometimes he just turns and bites. Does any one know why cats sometimes beahve this way? Thanks in...
well i last posted on the 23rd to tell you all about the collie bitch my husband and i took in.i told you that she wasn't fitting in and we got her another home.here comes the next instalment. i was a...
we're hoping to get a female french bulldog puppy soon and are wondering how to tackle introducing her to our existing 8 year old male bullmastiff. He's been our only dog since we got him at 10 weeks...
Hi, we have two fantail goldfish (I think thats what they are called) and for some reason one of them just keeps sitting on the gravel right in the corner of the tank. He barely responds if we lightly...