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What is a Pelargonium
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when do staffis have there first season.mine is coming up for nine months now.i thought it would have happened already.
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Steal Mr Warburton Chocolate coated squirrel Ye odd ode recomposed Viewers tin is split Move to be just near men
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what are small humanoid creatures H*M*N*S*I
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can bullfrogs regrow legs that have been cut off?
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any idea on where to get live betta food??????
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I have a betta and i need a new tank because of my fish's tail condition. i need to know any good sizes and brands for a betta fish.
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My kitten is dribbling; it looks like white spit/froth. She has also been sick a few times. Can anyone advise?
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I have just came back from holiday and my neighbour was looking after my hamsters. i have two russian dwarf's and think they are both boys but one of them has got really fat as i have came back and is...
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mole crickets in uk ?
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Hiya all. As you most probably know, my almost-3-year-old Border Collie is gluten intolerant. This week, he was ill on Monday, and has been a bit "sloppy" since, although he is very much himself, i.e....
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hi i have a mongrel i found 2 years ago i cant keep her in she is about the size of a springer our walls r about 5 feet yet shae still clears them put every obstacal in her way any ideas
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Help!!! Long story - have been seeing my partner for months. He says he is separated and only goes home to see his kids every other weekend - but he cannot call because he has not told 'estranged'...
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can anyone help? we have a5 year old persian cat last night when he yawned his jaw got stuck open it wouldnt close up we had to take him to the emergency vets they said it was a muscle spasm this has...
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Hi. Has anyone been on one of these volunteering holidays? If so where and what advice can you give? TIA
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what is the most rare and most common animal in the uk..?
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I have noticed yellow jackets chasing the hummingbirds away from my feeders. Will the yellow jackets sting the hummingbirds?
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Hiya all, A friend has a rain water butt that has Ramshorn snails living in it, I'm just wondering how they get in there ? No pond near-by but there is a brook that runs by a few yards away. The butt...
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There are two nests in my back yard in the same spot every year. The other day I found a baby bird on the ground, alive, unfeathered and unharmed (or so it appeared unharmed). Sadly I believed the...
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How do you assimilate a new 3 year old neutered cat into a home of 3 other cats - 2 spayed females & 1 neutered male? Ages from 1/1/2 to 14. I know the dynamic will change but I'd like it to be as...

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